Horsham 6 Notch Up Another Win

The 6th team were victorious in their home match against Woodpushers 2 last night, winning by 3.5 - 1.5. Oliver Thorne and Richard Hewitt each won on the lower boards against noticeably higher-graded opponents. Peter Helliwell provided the 3rd win on board 3, while I had a draw on board 1. Roger Waddingham, alas, went down to a counter-attack from what had seemed a strong position.

Horsham 6 reach the mid-season point in a strong position, having now scored 4 out of 5 in MSL Division 4.

The full match results were:

Julie Denning 0.5 - 0.5 Gary Charles
Roger Waddingham 0 - 1 Juju Samworth-Calvier
Peter Helliwell 1 - 0 Bob Davidson
Oliver Thorne 1 - 0 Oliver Andrew
Richard Hewitt 1 - 0 Hardy Burch



Ian Comley's picture

What a great result ...and against Woodpushers 2! Well done everyone