Horsham 1 win away against Worthing 2

Horsham 1 scored a narrow 3-2 victory away against a strong Worthing 2 team.

Looking at the Worthing 2 line up, a number of the players could (and have) played for the first team, so it was clearly not going to be an easy night.

Matt Forster sensibly bailed out with a draw against Chris Jones when the latter offered it. His position looked rather shaky at the time as subsequent analysis seemed to demonstrate.

Paul Taylor won material against Peter Larwood on bottom board and consolidated to secure Horsham's first win.

Gavin Lock's game against Dominic Miller was a typical sharp Gruenfeld that petered out into a draw. To observers it looked like he was better at some point, but at the time Gavin always felt the position was balanced.

Anthony Higgs was doing well against Cassie Graham, but then things turned around and he lost.

This left the score balanced at 2-2.

Grant Bucher played the King's Gambit against James Mansson. After some sharp play, James ended up a pawn up in a rook endgame. As James was playing quickly, the players continued to move 53 before the end of the playing session. By the time they reached the end of the playing session, James was two pawns up and looked clearly winning. After considering the position at home, Grant decided to resign.

This result gave Horsham 1 a 3-2 victory.

Board Worthing 2 (Home) Result Horsham 1 (Away)
1 Dominic Miller 1/2-1/2 Gavin Lock
2 Grant Bucher 0-1 James Mansson
3 Chris Jones 1/2-1/2 Matt Forster
4 Cassie Graham 1-0 Anthony Higgs
5 Peter Larwood 0-1 Paul Taylor

Note that Horsham 1, as the away team, were White on odd-numbered boards.