Horsham 2 vs Horsham 1

The Sussex League kicked off last night with the traditional Horsham 2 vs Horsham 1 (Horsham 2 again the home team this year, the only practical difference being who buys the biscuits!). It was a busy night at the club with Horsham 5 vs Horsham 4 in their Division 3 match and some internal fixtures as well.

Division 1 is a tough place for any second team. Almost always outgraded (by 150 points per board in this match) but also starting the season against last year's champions.

First to finish was Peter on board 3, black in a Petrov that went the way of many Petrovs - quickly to a drawn rook endgame.

Next was my own board 4 against a dastardly turncoat (one of Horsham 2's own playing up for the 1s). A very complicated game arising from Owen's defence with both players burning a lot of time in the middlegame. Great chances for both colours but I didn't have enough time left in the final critical position and black was very happy giving away a pawn for a fatal mating attack.

Typically Horsham 2 secure results from the bottom boards so when I left the room with the top boards looking fairly equal I had already resigned myself to a close loss. However Phil on board 2 managed to outfox his opponent in a very busy endgame with 3 minor pieces for each side. The game seemed to be more exciting than a London would usually be and I'm sad to have missed the final position.

Roy was very much up against it on board 1, under pressure for a long time in a Tarrasch French. His opponent seemed to have plenty of space to organise a strong attack and must have had the age-old "if it works it's a sacrifice" in his mind when he blundered a piece for 2 pawns. Unfortunately (as in every French), black struggled to make the c8-bishop useful and the game finished in a draw.

Drawn match, a great result for Horsham 2 but not necessarily cause for enthusiastic celebration as we might have disrupted Horsham 1's title chances. Although it came very close to being an upset so perhaps Horsham 2 have can have a good crack at it this year.

Next match is away to Eastbourne 1 on 1st Nov.


Anthony Higgs's picture

I look forward to atoning during the season! :D

Ian Comley's picture

Excellent report and some excellent games - very competitive. Lets hope Horsham 2 can do similar damage to other top teams!