Email Update - Did I miss you???

I sent the following email out today to every club member (I think!) ...let me know if I missed you off...

"I counted 14 internal games being played last night so it feels like the season proper is off the ground!

Roger Waddingham has done his usual excellent job of preparing the club card with all the members' contact details. Please feel free to take a yellow card if you missed it this week (look in the club cupboard).

Generally it is best to arrange games before you arrive on a Tuesday as there is so much chess going on. Somehow the Hewitt family slipped through the net so if you are in their division please note that their contact email is :

I think most of you have been using the exercise book to record results as well as updating the board The reason we have introduced this is to avoid the rare error that slips through as well as to capture additional information required for grading purposes - including date, colour (enter white first).

It is also worth mentioning that the Mid Sussex competitions kick off next Tuesday with Horsham 2 v Horsham 3 and Horsham 5 v Horsham 6.

Best of luck with the season ...."