Dick Newman awarded honorary membership

The club was proud to award Dick Newman with honorary membership at the AGM, and presented him with a framed certificate to record the achievement.

Chairman John Cannon awarded the certificate with the following words:

"We have received the sorry news that the club’s most senior member has decided that the time has come for him to give up the royal game. I refer of course to Dick Newman, who has been a virtual ever-present for over two decades and whose cheerful presence will undoubtedly be missed. When the committee met in July, it didn’t have the advantage of a crystal ball to foretell the future, and agreed to confer on Dick the honour of becoming Horsham Chess Club’s very first Honorary Member. I have here a work of art by Mark Baldock that records the fact, and we would like Dick to accept this with the club’s very best wishes for the future. He will always find a warm welcome at our club."


Ian Comley's picture

Well done Dick!

Many congratualtions, Dick. Also hope you got home safely after we (well Roger actually) had to jump-lead your flat car batterry at the end of the evening! Make sure you keep coming to the Club for friendly games even if you have decided to not play competitively anymore.

Matthew Hayes's picture

Congratulations, Dick! What a wonderful stalwart you have been for so many years at Horsham Chess Club.