Happy 94th Dick Newman!

6th team stalwart Dick Newman celebrates his 94th birthday today - he is quite possibly the most venerable graded player actively playing in the UK today. Congratulations Dick!

To put it in context, Dick was born when Emanuel Lasker was world chess champion, only the second such after Steinitz! I hope I'm still playing decent chess when I make 94...


Absolutely astonishing - must be some sort of (world) record. Dick is a credit to Horsham, Sussex and English chess - an unsung hero. I echo the "decent chess" comment made by Anthony - although I managed to beat Dick on Tuesday it was more by luck than judgement. A very happy birthday.

Matthew Hayes's picture

Congratulations to Dick! What a wonderful achievement. It was very nice to see him when I was in England last November and he was still as sharp and witty as ever. Here's to many more years of good health and good chess for him.

Ian Comley's picture

Hope you have a great birthday - you are a a club stalwart with a cunning smile hiding evil sacrifices...looking forward to our tussle in a couple of weeks :)

wow! thought he was 91!. i;ll be glad to get to 94 never mind still be playing chess. and he's still driving !
congratulations Dick!