Sussex League

Articles relating to the Sussex League (Mid Sussex League prior to 2023-24 season).

Good win for Horsham 2

With one result still to be agreed, Horsham 2 have already done enough (3-1) to ensure an encouraging win against Haywards Heath 1.

I saw very little of Paul's game which finished relatively early with decisive gain of material ensuring a good start to the evening for Horsham.

Peter for his part sacrificed a piece for a pawn whilst still in the opening which I understand was subsequently analysed to be unsound but which led to a lasting initiative in practical play and ultimately to an agreed draw after considerable adventures on both sides.

Horsham 1 defeat Eastbourne 1 by big margin

Horsham 1 scored a big win away against Eastbourne 1 on Friday evening.

Anthony Higgs against Mike Reddie seemed to be moving along quietly, before Mike made a miscalculation and his position rapidly collapsed.

Both Gavin Lock and Mike Forster made use of the White pieces to score good wins against their opponents.

Matt Forster won what looked like a tough game against Paul Carpenter.

Close but no cigar for Horsham 2

Despite a significant grading deficit, Horsham 2 only narrowly lost out to Brighton 1.

First to finish was Peter whose Petroff came under immediate pressure, initially on the kingside but subsequently on the other wing where the entanglement of his pieces led to the early demise of his queen.

Meanwhile Lucy’s Sicilian saw a promising queenside advance balanced by some weaknesses elsewhere. In late middle game, the latter proved more crucial with a series of combinations leading to loss of material and resignation.

Horsham's KO Jinx Continues!

The Horsham KO team began, and ended, its 2018 / 19 campaign with an away match against Sussex University last night (3rd December). Robert drew on board 5 against an opponent 32 points his junior. Alas, that was the high point of the evening for us.

Horsham 1 defeat Brighton 2 by big margin

Yesterday, Horsham 1 scored a big win against Brighton 2.

Gavin Lock, James Mansson and Phil Stimpson all scored decisive victories over their opponents.

Anthony Higgs had a tough struggle against Robin Jones, who eventually slipped up, allowing Anthony an immediate win.

The last game to finish was Dix Roberts against Michael Hamilton. Dix appeared to have gained a decisive advantage in the endgame, but his opponent defended doggedly, and he was unable to find a way through; he therefore agreed to a draw.

This gave Horsham 1 a 4.5-0.5 win.

Horsham 1 defeat Worthing 1

Horsham 1 scored a good win away at Worthing 1 last Monday.

Horsham was able to field its strongest team, which was important against a typically tough Worthing side.

Matthew Forster was first to finish, with a good win as Black against Mike Nicholas.

Seeing this, Anthony Higgs decided to offer a draw to Cassie Graham in a balanced position, which was accepted.

Mike Forster had a complicated struggle against Dominic Miller, which ended as a draw, as such things often do.

This left the two games on boards one and two.

Horsham 2 draw with Lewes 1

In an evening of fluctuating fortunes Horsham 2 came close to a win but in the event had to settle for a sharing of the spoils with Lewes 1.

On board 1, Anthony stood modestly worse after a miscalculation in the opening which his opponent steadily exploited without ever allowing any counter play, ultimately leading to material loss.

Meanwhile Dix won an early pawn which he returned for piece activity but never quite enough for anything other than a shared point.

Horsham 4 : Start to the season

We started with an away match against the one Sussex Uni team and were wondering which of their previous two teams' worth of members would turn up. It was a mixed bag as it turned out. On board 1, Julie scored a fantastic draw against a player graded 70 points higher than her. Meanwhile, the next three of our team regulars all managed to shed material unnecessarily and lose against slightly weaker opposition. Our new member, Guy Turvey, played a solid game to achieve a deserved victory on board 5, giving the final result some respectability for our team (1.5 - 3.5).

Horsham Juniors beaten by Crowborough

On Friday the juniors played their first match of the season, and despite a brave showing the strength in depth of Crowborough shone through...

Horsham 2 come off second best

In its first 'external' match of the season, away against Worthing 2, Horsham 2 was modestly outgraded on all boards (average 15 points) and went down quite heavily 1.5-3.5.

First to finish after just 5 minutes and 5 moves (!) was Phil on board 1. His opponent was feeling particularly under the weather and in gentlemanly fashion, Phil agreed a 'grandmaster' draw.

Next up was Ian who, in a sharp position arising from his normal English, played his intended sequence of moves in the wrong order and as such finished the game in second place.


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