Sussex League

Articles relating to the Sussex League (Mid Sussex League prior to 2023-24 season).

Horsham 3 v Brighton 3

We hosted Brighton last night and the match hangs in the balance !
Nick Warren scored a crushing win against the higher graded Arthur de Silva to put us ahead, before John Cannon went down fighting in time trouble. John Marshall rescued a half point even though the exchange down to leave the match all square.

Horsham 4 defeat St Francis 3

Dave Britton reports:

The match results from Thursday night are as follows: A good result on the night with Jon Taylor winning on his debut in the mid Sussex being the exchange up while both Richard and myself got in some time trouble but managed to secure the wins. Rons game was adjourned for further analysis which we have now conceded in a rook pawn endgame.

The results of the individual games are given in the table below:

Horsham 2 avoid whitewash

Not a very impressive headline but we were up against a very strong Worthing first team.

Horsham 5 match against Uckfield 2 in the balance

Roger Waddingham reports on the Horsham 5 vs Uckfield 2 match from last Tuesday:

It's in the balance. A stirling win by our 'secret weapon', Matthew, who showed good endgame skill in a balanced encounter. Two other losses and a draw from Mark Baldock that was oh so close to being a win. Finally, board 1 has been adjourned, with some hope of claiminmg a win according to Richard Barrowclough. This would gain us a hard won, and much needed, half point.

UPDATE: A draw was agreed on board one, leaving the result 3-2 in Uckfield 2's favour.

Anthony Higgs wins against Luke Rutherford

Anthony Higgs scored a good win against Brighton's board one, Luke Rutherford, in the recent Horsham 2 match against Brighton 1. The game is given below, with some notes by Anthony.

Horsham 2 lose to Brighton 1

From the Mid Sussex League website:

Board 2 is adjourned. A predictable win for Brighton & Hove 1 who greatly out-gunned their visitors, but a noteworthy win for Anthony Higgs over Luke Rutherford on board 1.

Anthony supplied the following report:

Horsham 4 defeat Brighton 6

Dave Britton reports:

A good result on the night, I didn't get a chance to look at all the games as I had a disastrous opening with black but managed to produce a 5 move forced checkmate with rook, bishop & knight. Julie got a bishop up in the endgame when opponent resigned which secured us the win.

Half way through the season and still on schedule for the top 4 finish I'm hoping for so Horsham 4 can stay in the 3rd Division next season when it splits into 4 Divisions.

Horsham 5 lose away to St Francis 2

Horsham 5 lost away to St Francis & Haywards Heath 2 on the 22nd November by the decisive margin of 4-1.

The results of the individual games are given in the table below:

Horsham 4 win convincingly against Woodpushers 3

David Britton reports:

Woodpushers fielded 4 juniors on the night and there were some back rank issues for some which Gary and Julie took advantage of. Paul was the first to wrap up and I followed shortly after due to the juniors playing too quick while Ron secured the draw against their only senior.

The results of the individual games are given in the table below:

Updated Nominations

Update in terms of nominated players:

Horsham: With effect from 22nd November, Paul Taylor is nominated for the 1st team and Ian Comley is nominated for the 2nd team. Paul Richardson is nominated for the 4th team from 28th November.

Nominated players cannot play for a lower team ie Paul can only play for first team; Ian first and second and Paul for 1,2,3 or 4


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